Hope you all are enjoying the Arthur, John, Javier, Charles, Sean, Hosea, Trelawny and Karen bots (wow). Just thought I'd explain a little bit about them.
Each quote is random, so there will occasionally be repeats and the quotes are in no particular order. So, if you see a repeat it doesn't mean the list has been exhausted.
I have a few hundred quotes at least for each bot so far and have been adding more whenever I can so I'm hoping the repeats will progressively be less often.
The quotes are from Red Dead Redemption, Undead Nightmare, and Red Dead Redemption 2 (including Arthur and John's writing in the journal).
Keep in mind there are some lines that Arthur and John share (i.e. greetings, antagonisms, etc.) so you might see a quote you remember the other one saying or see a quote the other bot tweeted out as well.
Any replies will also be direct quotes. (Try giving them a howdy or hello, asking how they're doing, or saying I love you to John, Arthur, Sean, or Trelawny)
If you have any other questions about any of the bots or where a specific quote is from, DM me at the Arthur Morgan account and I'll do my best to answer. I won't be responding to any questions in replies to tweets so I can keep them exclusively direct quotes.
This is still a work in progress and it's taken a lot of time to gather and input the quotes but I'm excited to keep building on it. Thank you to everyone who followed so far!
(I know this isn't the best carrd but just wanted to answer some questions I've seen. Might make this look better later.)
Usernames: @arthurmorganbot, @johnmarstonbot, @charlessmithbot, @javiescuellabot, @seanmacguirebot, @hoseabot, @jositrelawnybot @karenjonesbot (any not listed here are run by someone else)
Important to note: I'm personally not a minor, but please make sure any other RDR bots you are replying to are not run by minors before replying anything you should probably not say to them.
[made by @elenafishersps1]